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LWML Spring Rally

WELCOME, ALL LADIES OF FAITH… You are all cordially invited to attend the Suncoast Zone Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML) Spring Rally here at Faith on Saturday, April 26th. Registration will take place at 8:30. Our speakers will be from “Broken but Beautiful Ministries.” Our “Gifts from the Heart” will benefit this ministry. Monetary gifts are critically […]

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Winter Messenger ~ 2014

A word from Jerry Brock, Pastor’s Corner, as well as information from the Willing Workers, Altar & Ladies Guild, Sunday School, and much more…

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Favorite Hymns

We’ve received about 100 ballots with over 100 different hymn suggestions. Starting next Sunday we will be singing the suggestions each week until Easter. Shown below is the summary will be published in the coming Messenger, as well as paper copies being available in the Narthex. MY FAVORITE HYMN [pdf issuu_pdf_id=”140127153342-6510ad0df3584a2d9382e10774841c46″ layout=”2″ width=”960″ height=”450″ bgcolor=”FFFFFF” […]

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