The season devoted to our Lord’s passion – His suffering and death – begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023.
Our theme for this year is entitled, “By His Wounds We Are Healed.” The innocent Son of God had no sins of His own for which He deserved to die, yet His enemies falsely accused Him of violating every commandment of God. In each service of this series, we will see that it was actually OUR sin, our disobedience that Jesus bore in His body on the cross. The Lord laid on Him, “the iniquity of us all.” Jesus suffered the penalty of death in our place, and “By His Wounds We Are Healed.” Please note the following themes and details for each week:
+ASH WEDNESDAY, February 22nd: THE SIN OF BLASPHEMY. Jesus is accused of misusing God’s Name. Based on John 10 : 31 – 39. Supper this week is at 6:15 PM, served by the Board of Christian Education and MOCA (Outreach). Worship with Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes follows at 7 PM in the sanctuary.
+LENTEN MID – WEEK # 2, March 1st: THE SIN OF ASSOCIATING WITH “SINNERS”. Jesus is accused of associating with tax collectors, prostitutes and other “sinners”. Based on Mark 2 : 13 – 17. (ALL remaining suppers are at 6:30 PM with worship in the Christian Life Center following at 7:15 PM). The meal this week will be served by the Board of Properties and Ushers.
+LENTEN MID – WEEK # 3, March 8th: THE SIN OF MURDER. During a time when our retired pastors are attending a retreat in Titusville, Florida entitled, “VETERANS OF THE CROSS,” we will find Jesus being accused of inspiring rebellion and the destruction of Israel. Based on John 11 : 47 – 53. Supper this week served by the Ladies Guild.
+LENTEN MID – WEEK # 4, March 15th: THE SIN OF STEALING. In a service led by the Rev. Richard Arndt, with Pastor Wenndt and a number of our members on the church cruise (which returns the following morning), we see Jesus standing before Pilate, again being accused of forbidding the paying of taxes to Caesar. Based on Luke 23 : 1 – 5. Supper this week served by the Altar Guild.
+LENTEN MID – WEEK # 5, March 22nd: THE SIN OF DISHONORING AUTHORITY. On the night when we share the story of the crucifixion of Jesus, with a sign over His head that read, “This is the King of the Jews”, our suffering servant is accused of calling Himself a King. Based on John 19 : 12 – 16. Supper this week served by the Fellowship Committee.
+LENTEN MID – WEEK # 6, March 29th: THE SIN OF VIOLATING THE SABBATH. In this final midweek service, as we look on at our Savior whose life was taken that ours might be gained, we see that the Sabbath is drawing near and His faithful followers are working diligently to have His body buried before it begins, He who really is, “Lord, even of the Sabbath.” Based on Luke 6 : 6 – 11. This final supper served by the Board of Elders.
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