LWML Spring Rally



You are all cordially invited to attend the Suncoast Zone Lutheran Women Missionary League (LWML) Spring Rally here at Faith on Saturday, April 26th. Registration will take place at 8:30.

Our speakers will be from “Broken but Beautiful Ministries.” Our “Gifts from the Heart” will benefit this ministry. Monetary gifts are critically needed. They also have the following needs:

  • clothing,
  • household items such as dishes and pots and pans,
  • cleaning supplies,
  • paper goods,
  • canned goods,
  • bedding, and
  • children’s’ books.

All gifts are greatly appreciated.

There will be several opportunities to donate funds: “Gifts from the Heart”; the Scholarship Fund which provides funding for women from the FL/GA District who are studying to be Deaconesses, as well as Directors of Education. As well, there will be a collection taken during the service. All of these checks should be made out to LWML.

The cost for the luncheon is $7.00, and any checks should be made payable to Faith Lutheran Church, Ladies Guild.

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