About Jerry Brock

Author Archive | Jerry Brock

Stealing Shrewdly??

This weekend readings from Holy Scripture celebrate the generosity of God and our calling to reflect His generosity in our lives. Amos the prophet reminds us that God has a big heart for the poor; He is just and desires that we conduct our life’s business with honesty, integrity, fairness, and generosity. Paul’s guidance to […]

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Worst to First – Sinner to Salvation

The Pharisees thought that purity brings joy to God. Their entire practice of religion was based on purity. The pure ones were considered to be good, righteous, and close to God, even if they did not love or care one bit about their neighbors’ well–being. The impure ones were labeled “sinners.” So when Jesus came […]

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The Ever – Growing, Never – Changing List

Jesus says, “Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth?  No, I tell you, but rather division”  (Luke 12:51)   But wait!  What about “Peace on earth, goodwill to all”?  Is not Jesus the Prince of Peace?  Indeed He is, and the kind of peace Jesus brings often makes people uncomfortable.  To […]

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