About Jerry Brock

Author Archive | Jerry Brock

The Friend Is the Enemy – the Enemy Is the Friend

God’s mercy and grace are revealed to those who deserve anything but. The Israelites who wandered in the wilderness complained of no water. They didn’t deserve anything because of their sinfulness, yet God responded in mercy and grace, providing water from a rock. A marginalized Samaritan woman didn’t receive compassion from her community and didn’t […]

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Setting an Eternal Standard

Looking at the world today, it is astounding all of the division and conflict that exists in the world, in our church, and in our lives. Into that world comes our Savior who cares about us – and about reconciling us to God deeply. How deeply? Consider that it is about 160 miles roundtrip from […]

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Calling and Praising What You Can’t See

Although it has not happened much in the last couple of years, there are some church festivals and recognitions that are assigned a certain day on the calendar.  If it is an important day and falls on a Sunday, we will take the opportunity to recognize it.  Today is one of those days, as September […]

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