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Pastor’s Corner – September 2015

“WHEN DO WE SAY ‘ENOUGH IS ENOUGH?’  AND THEN WHAT??”      The headlines the last several days have overwhelmed us with tragedy. Two young people working for a Virginia news channel, doing a typical “morning news story” are gunned down by a disgruntled former worker. Theatres in various locations in our country, trains in […]

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‘Colloquized’ – what sort of title is that?  Is that even a word?  (and my favorite Lutheran question…) “What does that mean?” As you look at my one-word title, those must be the kinds of questions you are asking. It is, or rather was a word out of our church body. It has since been […]

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Pentecost Mission Festival 2015 Primary Image - B


On May 24th, we will both begin our new Summer worship schedule as well as begin the second half of the church year (known as the “Life of the Church”) with a special Pentecost Mission Festival. Our guest speaker will be the Rev. Hiruy Bereket Gebremichael.  Rev. Gebremichael was ordained as an LC-MS pastor in […]

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