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Stewardship Sermon Slides #3 – Time and Talents

Please see also the Commitment card for this week in a separate post on the main page.  By the way, you will need either Microsoft Office PowerPoint, a PowerPoint viewer, or other compatible program to view these slides.  You will also have to download them as the files are too big for you to see […]

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Stewardship Card 1 - LIFE

Stewardship Sermon Slides – Week 1 – LIFE

If your computer does not seem to have the correct program to view these, you can download a free “PowerPoint Viewer” from  to see them.  At the bottom of this image, it will show the file (a large one – almost 3 MB – you will have to click on it to download it […]

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Stewardship Sermon Slides, Week 2 – FAMILY

The link to download these is at the bottom of the page.  If your computer does not seem to have the correct program to view these, you can download a free “PowerPoint Viewer” from to see them.  Just like last week’s, this is a large file.  ENJOY!  And join us next week.[gview file=””]

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