While each generation shares certain traits (such as being sinful and needing the forgiveness offered only through Jesus on the cross), each generation also has traits which make it unique. This generation, perhaps more than any other, has a penchant for travel, perhaps in part because of both cost and availability. And so, during this Lenten season, we will begin two journeys each week – one to a location that we can actually travel to that fits the night’s theme (tonight being Gatlinburg, Tennessee), the other being the journey that takes our Lord (and each of us through Him) to the cross. Any journey takes dedication and determination to complete. Roads are not always easy, and distractions may be many. When God calls us to return, that summons becomes our “travel priority” in life. Ash Wednesday begins the journey of Lent. May we be truly blessed in the journey in this season. Come and be our guest!
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