Faith’s 60th Anniversary Next Year – Planning Now

On December 31st, 2017, Faith Lutheran Church will officially be 60 years old.  Throughout the calendar year of 2017, we will celebrate God’s grace upon His people here with a series of celebrations and events.

While “next year” is still a number of months away, many of the dates and festivities have already been set.  But MUCH, MUCH work is needed to make each of these a reality.  RoseAnn Verheyen, Betty Holland and Pastor Wenndt co-chair our “60th anniversary planning committee”.  But they need your help, especially as we prepare for the each of the following dates and events:

  • JANUARY 29TH:  Anniversary kick-off.  Services of celebration at regular Sunday worship times.  “FAM-FEST” meal and entertainment in afternoon.  Pictorial directory sign-up’s begin.  Guest speaker – the Rev. Greg Walton – president of the Florida-Georgia district of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod;
  • MONTH OF FEBRUARY  (times tentative) – Pictorial directory pictures taken – all pictures (including those submitted by those who cannot have theirs taken at church) finished and in by the end of the month, so directory can be disseminated by April 1st;
  • MARCH 20TH to 25TH:  60th Anniversary Cruise, hosted by Faith Factor (our contemporary worship team).  Leaves from church at 9 AM on the 20th;  arrives back at church ~9:30 AM on the 25th.  More details on a separate entry on the website;
  • APRIL 30TH:  Confirmation reunion, honoring special anniversary classes from previous years.  Special worship of praise at all services.  Guest preacher: (former pastor) the Rev. Charles Lentner, now living in Richfield, OH.  Banquet at church to follow late service;
  • OCTOBER 29TH:  500th anniversary celebration of the Lutheran Reformation (Martin Luther posting 95 theses [sentences for debate] on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenburg, Germany).  Regular worship schedule.  OKTOBERFEST following late service.  Guest speaker to be announced;
  • DECEMBER 31ST:  60th Anniversary Celebration of Faith Lutheran Church.  Special guest preacher – the Rev. Nabil Nour, (currently) 5th-Vice-President of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.  NO SATURDAY WORSHIP.  Regular schedule on Sunday.  Meal and “afternoon New Year’s Eve” celebration with games and more following late church.  New Year’s Eve evening service at 6:30 PM followed by night games, food, and recreation through the evening in the C.L.C.  Games until 10 PM for adults.  Overnight lock-in for youth.

Obviously, it will take more than a little bit of planning to make each of these happen.  And as a volunteer, you are welcome to choose to help us with only one of these, all of these, or anything in between.  But regardless of what or how, please do consider “getting on board” with what promises to be a HUGE year-long celebration of how much God has blessed us. 





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