The Congregation enjoys both Contemporary & Traditional Services that are held high on the wondrous gifts that GOD gives through His holy Word and Sacraments. Through a variety of literature, we Worship seeking to “develop and deepen an understanding and love for the Lutheran heritage in Christian worship.” Furthermore, Worship incorporates both the riches of the past with that which is faithful from the present so that in our Worship, our voices are joined with fellow believers of every time and place..
New Worship Schedule
As of 2021, we have a new worship schedule. PLEASE NOTE the following:
- SATURDAY, 5 PM will now be year-round unless indicated. From June through August, it will be a traditional worship. From September through May, our Faith Factor will lead the worship the first three Saturdays of each month – it will be a “blended” service. Holy Communion will be celebrated the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month;
- SUNDAY, 10 AM will now be our year-round single Sunday worship time – a traditional service, with Holy Communion celebrated the 1st and 3rd Sundays of each month;
- EASTER SUNDAY (only), 8 AM and 11 AM will be our special schedule on the day of our Lord’s resurrection. The two services will be traditional, with Holy Communion celebrated at each of them. There will also be a 7 AM Son-Rise service on the 11th Fairway at Timber Greens golf course in New Port Richey East, led by Faith Factor and one of our retired ministers.