This Friday night we will be celebrating “I Believe Night”. This is when our Confirmation Class shares with their friends and family what their faith means to them, and thanks them for their support throughout their faith journey. On Sunday, at our 11:00 service, we will be presenting the Confirmation Class of 2015 to the […]
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Easter Egg Hunt
As another important part of the day celebrating our Savior’s resurrection, our Sunday School is sponsoring their annual Easter Egg Hunt on the front lawn of the church. It will begin at 10 AM. Children ages three through sixth grade are invited to participate in this free event. You are encouraged to invite your friends […]
Youth Sponsored Easter Breakfast
As part of your celebration of our Savior’s resurrection, which will take place on April 5th this year, please remember the Easter breakfast hosted by our youth. The breakfast will be served both before and after our morning worships that day. Enjoy a breakfast of breakfast casserole, pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage, bacon, bagels, danish, and […]
Service Times
SATURDAYS at 5:00 pm
SUNDAYS at 10 am
Our Brochure
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