A new Adult Bible Class will study Beth Moore’s, “To Live is Christ”. This class will be offered during the 9:30 AM Sunday School hour. The course will alternate with video one week and going over the workbook the next. The class will break between November 24, 2013 and January 19, 2014. The class will be completed on March 23. The price of the workbook is $16.00.
Book Narrative:
A spiritual odyssey through the life of one of Christianity’s most fervent journeymen, the apostle Paul, tracing his story from childhood to martyrdom.
Proclaiming his faith as a benchmark in New Testament Scripture, Beth writes, “I have accepted many of Paul’s words as a personal challenge. ‘I want to know Christ’ has become my plea. ‘To live is Christ and to die is gain’ has become my hope. And to borrow his words once more, ‘Not that I have already obtained all this . . . but I press on.’”
Paul’s undying passion for Christ continues to inspire and challenge those with a deep spiritual hunger for the things of God. Readers will be greatly refreshed by the obvious mercy of God that causes those who have failed him to repent and serve him wholeheartedly and effectively.
Audio Sample:
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